you don't have an attorney ask for a continuance in order to get one. The Judge must give you a continuance.

Normally bail on misdemeanor charges fits a predetermined pattern set up by the judges. Bail for a felony must be set personally by a judge.

Checks are not acceptable for bail. A bondsman or lawyer may be called, or a friend may bring cash or you might have that much with you.

"Organizations such as the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society must work within the frame work of the law. They cannot circumvent the law but can work to bring about changes by legal means," the attorney pointed out.

In conclusion Mr. Zwerin declared "you are only as secure in your contacts with the public as you are within your own person. If you are well-adjusted mentally, are at peace with, and like, yourself, then there is little chance you will encounter any difficulty due to sexual deviation."


"I have thought the matter over and, consequently am herein enclosing $8.50 for an associate membership.

"I noted with interest the discussions on raising children in a deviant relationship is it possible to find out more regarding this problem? Also I noted with interest your plans


to organize the New York area. While I would be most anxious to remain discreet and discriminating in social contacts I would enjoy meeting with, or hearing from, others in the general New York area who are genuinely sincere about the organization."

S.B., New York, N.Y.

"Just a word of prai se I received my first oopy of THE LADDER a few weeks ago and think you are doing a very worth while service for the multitudes that need a 'breather' every now and then from the common, ordinary pattern of this old world.

"I was interested in your Calendar of Events. Too bad I am so far away I would love to drop in on one or two of those